The first part of the treatment is a warm-up. Areas of the soft tissue fibrosis are moved to make the scar tissue more receptive. A stainless steel tool is used to follow the affected soft tissue injury. The edge of the tool slowly slides along the skin surface and comes into contact with what is known as adhesions. It's scar tissue, and the clinician rubs over the adhesions with the tool to cause movement. It's this friction that helps heal soft tissue injuries. The area of the injury is treated with repeated movements of the tool rubbing over and around it.
The rate of rubbing and amount of pressure are adjusted during treatment. After treatment, the affected area is stretched. A physical therapist may apply cold packs if there is any soreness. Typically, patients receive two treatments for a week over a period of about five weeks. Patients can expect relief by the third or fourth treatment. Other healthcare providers who utilize IASTM include occupational therapists, chiropractors and athletic trainers.
Scar tissue is a type of fibrous connective tissue that receives less blood than normal tissue and stretches much less. It tends to be thick and may build up around the ligaments, tendons and muscles after an injury. The buildup of soft tissue is referred to as adhesions. Injuries that may result in adhesions include shin splints, pulled hamstrings, meniscal tears and much more. When an individual is injured, adhesions and scar tissue may occur either in the tissues or in the skin. It is believed that scar tissue and adhesions prevent the underneath body structures from moving properly. This is because the ligaments, tendons and muscles are unable to freely move. It's problematic because scar tissue and adhesions may bend to fascia and cause a condition known as fascial restriction. Adhesions and scar tissue can also occur on a smaller scale as a result of a cross-linking of muscle fibers. Over time, even the wear and tear of everyday life can cause muscle fibers to adhere to each other irregularly. With IASTM and the Graston technique, the treatment causes a muscle fiber separation, which releases pain and increases functional mobility.
Are you suffering from a soft tissue injury? Do you have a sports injury or injury from a car accident? Do you have scars or adhesions that are causing pain and limiting your movement? Contact Us Today our at Cranford, NJ Center and learn how the Graston technique can get you on the road to recovery. Our physical therapists are trained and experienced in this technique. Meet with us for a one-on-one consultation and comprehensive evaluation. Our goal is to help you live life to the fullest and without pain. We are committed to helping you heal.
For more information, Contact Us Today at our facility in Cranford, NJ.
(908) 325-6556
570 S Ave E Building G, Suite C
Cranford, NJ 07016